Can i Rant just one time?
What the fuck is going on with oil prices lately. This has been a sore spot in my ass for the last year or so and is only getting worse. For those of you that know me, I run a business that revolves around the auto industry. For those of you living in a box the last few months, right now the N.A. auto industry is in some serious trouble. One of the biggest contributers to this is the oil prices. GM, Ford, Chrysler, are notorious for building gas guzzling machines and even though they now build cars that are right there with toyota and honda as far as mileage goes, they continue to struggle selling cars with the gas prices where they are. Now OPEC comes out and flat out tells the world that we don't want the price of oil to drop to much because they want to maintain their profits they have accumulated with oil prices up at the $78 per barrel price it was a few months ago. So they just decided to cut production. What? Cut production to make the price stay where THEY want it to. How is this even allowed, how is this accepted. I'll tell you how it's accepted. Bush and Harper are money grubbing oil people who suck all the oil producing companies and countries cocks. Harper, i'm speculating about, but Bush, he is one shaddy mother fucker. Although it's generally known what a shaddy character Bush is, i know he's laughing at the price right now because I took a great interest in this a few years ago and read a lot of books on Bush. One made a real impact on me as far as my perception of him. The House of Bush, House of Saud, is a book all about the relathionship of the bush family and the saudis. A basic overview is that the saudis have been planing for years to get another Bush back in office since Senior Bush left office. The saudis supported like 4 or 5 oil companies for Bush that he single handly ran into the ground. Each time W ran a company into banckrupcy cause he found no oil or just squandered the money away, the saudis kept giving him more money. The families are so tight it's ridiculous. In short this book outlines how the saudis basically gauranteed another Bush in office to benefit themselves and thats exactly what has happened. Along with Cheney, the smartest and craftiest person alive who actually runs the country while Bush plays at his ranch 3 weeks a month, the saudis are running the U.S. government. So know one well say shit when OPEC decides to cut production to raise the price of oil for no other reason than money. And don't kid yourself, this cut would have never taken place without the Saudis permission. There is absoluting no shortage of oil out there right now. Actually the levels are highers than they have been in 5 years, almost every country's refenieries are running at over 90% capacity with no problems. All except Venezeula who is bigger mess than anyone. Chavez has used his oil to try an win the support of his people by putting all the money into his country and abroad in an attempt to get a seat on the U.N. (which won't happen anyways). So if oil drops, hs people are fucked and he is fucked so he rants all day about cutting production. Now OPEC makes the announcement to cut production and in St. Catharines, gas shoots up 8 cents. THis just doesn't seem right. Texas produces tonnes of oil, Alberta produces tonnes of oil, althouh it is very expensive because they are making oil out of the sand unlike the saudis who just pump it striaght out of the ground, why doesn't this give us any pull in the oil world. I think it's because we are so freaking dependent on the Saudis and the other OPEC countries, and that shouldn't be, lets stand on our own two feet a little. All these oil prices are killing the auto industry in N.A., along with the worst people in the world, the CAW and the UAW, the auto industry is in trouble. When are these companies going to get it together. When are people going to learn that a GM car is just as good as a Toyota. It's a tough battle cause for years Gm cars were shit and horribly made, but thats a thing of the past. Cars at Gm are made the exact same way as they are at Toyota. I've seen it, I'm in the GM Oshawa car plant every week and The Toyota Cambridge plant monthly, same shit both places. Even the people at toyota say there's no difference in the quality, it's just that toyota is still riding the myth of GM cars being poorly built.
I don't even know what I'm ranting about anymore. Hopefully you got through this confusing blog. All i'm asking is why can OPEC do what they have done with no resistance from anyone. North korea is come scary shit, and the whole world reacts to that. Well oil prices being to high will get scray too. And will affect a lot of people for a lot longer than North Korea will (only cause i believe that if it comes down to it, everyone will just blow Korea off the earth). Something has to happen, new resources have to be developed, feul alternatives must become available soon, we have to eliminate this dependance to OPEC and to oil. It just won't happen untill atleast Bush is out of office. Have you ever wondered how much money the US govt provides to research of this, I bet it's not even 1% of the money spent on war and oil. why would they, it might piss off the Saudi's.
Thats it, i never rant again. Back to stupid stories of my life.
Too much pot and too confusing!
4:56 PM
nothing last forever....
2:00 PM
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