Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Just o.k.

I put a theory to test last night and was kind of unhapy with the results. Last night 24 was on for 2 hours. Usually I would be excited about this, but not this time. I figured that without Prison Break on before hand, i wouldn't be so blown away by it and in turn enjoy 24 more. However, I almost fell asleep last night. It was so boring. I called every shot that was about to happen last night. This guy gets away. A bomb was set to explode last night, of course jack happens to be a bomb technician and defused it pretty easily in under 3 minutes. Jacks father pretends to be innocent but is behind everything. One trick after another by this guy, no one catches on.

I'm upset cause I used to be on the edge of my seat with this show. Even last year I was still into it. Now I watch Lost, Prison Break, The Wire, and a few other shows and they bring so much more to the table. I'll keep watching 24, and won't miss an episode, but I'm not liking it. Something has to change, but I don't see how it can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Seriously, you need to take up poker I think. And, watching The Guardian would help you sleep.

/A fuckin GHOST! Blaaahhhhh...

4:33 PM

Blogger Now on the Tee said...

Two words...watch 'Heroes'

5:55 PM


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